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    A small update into study work and development. Progressive skill workshops.

    Installation drawing using black ink, bleach, newspaper and scrim. Layering of ink washes and line using bamboo. Really difficult technique to get used to but really rewarding with the variation of lines formed by the natural tool. All very therapeutic.

    Mono printing was much more of a thought process than I first perceived. The layering of colours on the dried acyrlic paint was rewarding when the colours complimented each other most. Despite my love of a selection of the prints that I gathered, I did love the perspex board with the layered muted tones also!

    A short fashion project using three meters of fabric, one line of stitch, one cut and one line of stitch.
    The kitchen paper I worked with was incredibly versatile and easy to manipulate. It left an serious of elegant creases that stayed in position once manipulated. Really fun and got me thinking a lot more about the practicality of a garment alongside its formal elements. 


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    Meet The Author

    -Sophie Gowling-

    -Art&Design student in the North East of England-

    -Aspiring fine artist & lover of creativity-

    -Contact me at sophiegowling@hotmail.co.uk -