Had some super creative stuff going on this weekend at the #FOT14 with Beccy McCray.
The Exhibition held is called full circle which started in January this year.
"It uses tens of thousands of tiny hole-punches (the paper usually discarded from a hole-puncher) made from un-recyclable waste paper and foil-based Xmas wrapping to simulate snow.
The installation playfully explores how beauty can be found in something that has been rejected. It invites visitors to quite literally immerse themselves in the artwork, feel physically snowed under the vast amounts of waste generated over the festive season, and reflect on the impact this has on our fragile environment."
It was all very fun and exciting with children and adults all enjoying the exhibit and some really good feedback from everyone! The purpose of the workshops was that people could create some really fantastic artwork with the hole punches therefore bringing to life the lifecycle of the paper!
Still finding hole punches around my house.. as will every other visiter! Ha!
Check out Beccy's tumblr page about the project and also her Crafternoon Tea blog which has some exciting things going on!
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